There was a lady who posted in a groups page on facebook about a Mother's Day giveaway and she wanted donations for it. I agreed to provide one product for this giveaway and directed her to my business' facebook page and the "featured items" album. She said a bag or purse would be preferable. The only bag I had was a large beach bag, so I thought about it for a few days and remembered this yarn (the color is actually called "Earth and Sky") stuck in my stash that I didn't know what to do with it. So, with this inspiration I began the "Mint Chocolate Purse" and it came out beautifully!
I was told the top picture makes it look "wallet" sized so the person I was talking to said they were surprised when the picture below put it all in perspective.
It took me two tries to make the liner the way I wanted it. The first time I set the material up differently and couldn't sew two of the edges properly, so I scraped it and tried again. It's a good thing I bought the entire yard x 60" of material available.
I truly hope and pray the person who receives this bag is blessed!
Blessings and Peace to you all!
Tabi's Creating Adventures