These little gems were a request from a while back. A friend decided to redo her bathroom with a nautical theme and requested small sea turtles to add to the decorations. It took me a while to get to them because I originally thought to make them out of crochet thread and that box is hard to get to right now. So, the other day I was working on another project and realized that the color I was using would be a great color for sea turtles. Subsequently I made these four... just to see.
As you can tell (below), they came out just big enough to sit comfortably in the palm of my hand... which is about the size my friend requested. Also a plus, they work up rather quickly. In total, I made 20 little sea turtles... which I forgot to take a picture of before I sent them to their new home.
Either way, I think they came out super cute and I hope my friend likes them. =-)
Blessings and Peace!
Tabi's Creating Adventures
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tenacious141b (Instagram)