21 June 2016

Adventures in Kitchen Quilting

Through a series of events I met a lovely lady who ended up giving me a pattern for microwave bowl hot pads.  Since receiving this pattern, I have made quite a few of them for gifts and I've had a lot of fun playing with different color schemes and thread patterns!  Enjoy this sampling of fabric and thread plays!  ((For more pictures, check out my facebook page, linked below.)) 

I hope you enjoyed this post!  It was a pleasure to share!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures



Adventures in Tatting

This little beauty is my first attempt at tatting without a pattern.  The different colors of crochet thread (#10) certainly make this eye-catching piece a lovely color design.  Paired with a green glass bowl, it makes a great addition to our living room coffee table.    Honestly, though, I think it came out a little wonky... I'll definitely be sticking to my patterns for the next few tatting projects.

I hope you enjoyed this post!  It was a pleasure to share!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures



21 March 2016

Adventures in Cup Cozies on the Road - Dec 2015

This last Christmas my husband and I did some traveling and, naturally, I brought my crafting supplies.  I brought some orange and black yarn I wanted to make some cup cozies plus some other yarn.  This is the fruits of those long hours traveling:

Above and Below: Basic Striped Cup Cozy shown on a 12 oz coffee cup and a medium fountain drink cup.  These really are great for hot or cold drinks!

Below: Petal Flower Cup Cozy

Above: Basic Stripe Cup Cozy in grey and black.
Below: Bulky Cup Cozy in grey and black.

Above: Bulky Cup Cozy in orange and black.
Below: "Garder" Cup Cozy.

The following are pictured in better lighting on a 12 oz paper coffee cup.

Above: Basic Stripe Cup Cozy.
Below: Single Stripe Cup Cozy.

Above: Basic Stripe Cup Cozy.
Below: Petal Flower Cup Cozy.

Above: Japanese Flower Cup Cozy.
Below: "Garder" Cup Cozy.

Above and Below: Bulky Cup Cozy

It was a pleasure to share these with you!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures



Adventures in Quilting - Dec 2015

For this last Christmas, I decided to make quilts for my niece and nephew.  Each quilt has a personalized, hand embroidered "tag" and matching tooth fairy pillow.  The two pillows are about the same size, but the quilts are different sizes.  Since my nephew is 1 and my niece is 3, I decided to make a quilted baby mat for my nephew and a kid-size quilt for my niece.  This was a very rewarding endeavor.

Above: Quilted Baby Matt and matching Tooth Fairy Pillow for my nephew.
Below: Kid-Size Quilt and matching Tooth Fairy Pillow for my niece.

Here you can see my nephew's pillow up close.  "ALEX" is hand-embroidered into the pocket cloth.

I couldn't resist this panda and polka dots material!  Since my sister-in-law said my niece changes her mind on what she likes pretty often, it seemed like a great option.  She loves her new pillow and blanket.  

Below are a variety of pictures that show the individual squares where I quilted the patterns into the fabric.  The first one is from before I added the border, but you can kind of see the quilting in the light pink squares.

Above: cupcake.
Below: flower.

Above: star.
Below: butterfly.

Above: cherry.
Below: on the back side the butterfly overlapped the embroidered "tag," which I thought was a nice effect though totally unintentional.

I hope you enjoyed this post!  It was a pleasure to share!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures



Adventures in Amigurumi

I find it rewarding to create and some of my favorite creations have been Amigurumi.  Below are three amigurumi I finished a few months ago: a Jesus doll and two versions of a piggy.  Two of these were special orders, making them extra special to me, and the third sprang from one of those special orders.  I am happy that I was able to make Amigurumi satisfactory to my customers and appreciate the opportunity to work with such wonderful people.

Above and below: Jesus doll, without and with his overcoat.  

The next three pictures are Pinky the Pig in beige.

 Below: Pinky the Pig in pink wearing a pet sweater.

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

