13 March 2013

Sets of Hanging Towels

Hanging towel sets are another popular item!  This particular set is a special order which sprung off of another set that sold very quickly!  The functional buttons on this set are a flat, black button so they are hard to see in any picture.  I look forward to making many more of these hanging towel sets in various colors and patterns!  Stay tuned!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

Cutsie Fingerless Mitts!

Another transition-type product, these cutsie fingerless mitts are just the thing for winter!  And a great addition to my table at an event!  I like these little products because they tend to work up quickly and often don't stay around long!  Between beanies, fingerless mitts, headbands, and flower accessories I have my work cut out for me!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

Adventures in Hats

These two basic beanies and their corresponding flower accessories were created as a type of transition product between special orders.  Both beanies are sized adult large, the grey accessory is a 3-tier Japanese flower, and the black accessory is a 2-tier Japanese flower.  All of these products are made with Lion Brand Homespun yarn in either grey or black.  

Above and below are the same black beanie with grey flower accessory.  Below has the rim folded up.

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

Mary Jane Socks - March 2013

The "in progress" pictures for the special request Mary Jane socks I made recently.  These are the same colors as another pair of Mary Jane socks I made a while back.  The special part of the special request was the buttons!  I LOVE THIS!!  The lady wanted to have buttons on her socks that were representative of her pups!  A cute little chihuahua!  All the other buttons were there because I didn't know she wanted a chihuahua at first. 

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

Adventures in "Soap-on-a-Rope" - March 2013

As inspired by a friend I met through a friend (Donna) I began to envision some different styles of "Soap-on-a-Rope" for home use.  With 100% cotton yarn, I came up with these two little adventures!  And for their use... you know those pesky little soap remains that aren't quite large enough to hold but you don't want to throw them away?  Yeah, slip one of those in a cotton "Soap-on-a-Rope" and lather up!!

Above: Crocheted in purple and purple variegated yarns, this "Soap-on-a-Rope" is made sideways from most and has two "eyelets" built in for balance.

Below: A personalized and skinny "Soap-on-a-Rope" with design in Fair Isle knit.

In hopes of inspiration, Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

14 February 2013

Adventures in Yoda - Feb 2013

Several months ago someone suggested I make a Yoda hat, so I put it on my list and left it on the back burner until recently.  While I was out and about, and working on this Yoda Beanie, some people asked me what I was making.  This inspired a conversation.  By the end of the conversation I realized the product sold itself out of my hands.  

Thinking back on the conversation as I made the final stitches in the Yoda Beanie, I wondered how it would turn out for a Yoda Ski Mask... as inspired by part of the conversation from earlier.  So here is one of each!  I must say, though, that the ski mask version lends itself more to the ears. 

I hope this little bit inspired you!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

06 February 2013

Hanging Towels - Feb 2013

Another of my top items is hanging towel sets.  I have only made four sets of hanging towels so far, but I have not been able to keep them long!  And two sets were even special orders!  This particular set was inspired by the special order for the brown hanging towel set.  The lady asking for hanging towels specified dark so I found both the brown towels and the black towels at the same time.  When I asked her which she preferred, she said she would take the brown.  So now I have a set of black hanging towels ready to go!

I hope you have been inspired!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

05 February 2013

Hats and Headbands, One More Time!! - Jan 2013

Each of these items was made on a trip!  It is so nice to be able to work with my hands while someone else drives.  I enjoy experimenting and playing with all sorts of ideas!  Here are just a few for you!

Cables Headband in White - Based off of a previous pattern this headband was made to fill a spot on my table.  Headbands are one of my top selling items so there will be many of them!

Basketweave Headband in Burgundy/Maroon and White - This headband, designed for the guys, was a bit of an experiment.  I saw the Red Heart school pride skeins and wanted to know how the colors would change in various items.  This is the first item I have made with Red Heart's school pride yarn.  I think it turned out well!

Fun Fur Beanie in Purple - Made as a special order, this hat was great fun to create!  I am excited to say the lady who ordered it is pleased with the outcome.

University of Texas Bearded Hat - As the name suggests, these colors are the school colors for the University of Texas schools.  This special order turned out wonderfully!  Happy Birthday to the buddy who receives this great gift!

I hope you have been inspired!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

Adventures in Little Bags - Jan 2013

Somewhere along the way little girls grow up and need some way of containing things from personal items to make up to knick knacks.  One mom so wisely saw this need and ordered a little bag to help her daughter feel more comfortable about growing up and this is how it came out!  Made with Fun Fur, this cute little bag has a draw string to keep what's in from spilling out and is just the right size for a purse or back pack!  Way to go, Mom!

Blessings and Peace!!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

Adventures in Fingerless Mitts - Jan 20

Along with hats and headbands, fingerless mitts are one of my top selling items!  I can't seem to keep these things around!  This pair was special ordered by a lady I met through social networking.  I am pleased to say she saw the picture and is excited to gift them!  

I guess I will have to get busy and make a bunch of hats, headbands, and fingerless mitts!  Stay tuned for what's next!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

Adventures in Socks - Jan 2013

There have been many people complimenting and requesting more Mary Jane socks!  I have several pair in the planning stages, one of which will be the opposite colors from this one (green bottom and rust trim with either yellow or white buttons).  Mary Jane socks can be made in any size and virtually any colors!  I know my mom and my friend have enjoyed their Mary Jane socks!

Blessings and Peace!!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

Slouchy Beanie and Accessory - Jan 2013

I truly enjoy special request orders.  It gives me a warm-fuzzy feeling when someone comes up to me and asks if I can make something specific for them.  In this case, the lady who ordered this Slouchy Beanie had been looking for something like this for several months and could not find it anywhere so she remembered me from church and asked.  Needless to say it was a great success!

And on top of the Slouchy Beanie, I also made a removable accessory for her and her daughter.  =-)

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures

Adventures in Hanging Towels - Jan 2013

I enjoy casual social networking!  One reason is the eclectic array of personalities and interactions in the groups.  Another reason is because of how these people stretch and grow each other.  And yet another reason is because of new connections and opportunities!  These Hanging Towels are one such opportunity.  A lady I met through a networking group ordered these because her husband, a chimney sweep, kept using her good towels to clean his sooty hands!  I am grateful for the opportunity to fill such a unique need.  Or maybe it isn't so unique.  Either way, this little set was a pleasure to make and I am glad to have the opportunity!

Blessings and Peace!


Tabi's Creating Adventures